
Block Extraction Click the Zoom Icon for More Information Block Extraction Blocks of Exotic Ornamental Stones We only extract blocks of exotic and internationally traded materials. Always attentive to innovations in equipment, supplies and new techniques of operation, we have invested in machinery and qualified personnel to continue being a reference in the sector. VISIT QUARRIES Slab Processing Click the Zoom Icon for More Information Slab Processing All-natural quality materials SuperClássico has partners that work with quality and latest generation equipment for the best treatment and processing of its plates and products, respecting all the industrialization processes. VISIT MATERIALS Finished Projects Click the Zoom Icon for More Information Finished Projects Exotic Natural Stones SuperClássico Materials are internationally known, being applied in several projects such as Façade Coverings, application in countertops, floors, bathrooms, kitchens, living room, panels, and many other projects created by architects and designers in different continents. VISIT PROJECTS
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Our mission is to sell with excellence all our products and services to those involved in our activities and, through this, to turn them into our partners.

Our vision is to meet all expectations of our customers, employees and suppliers, and our company is the means by which all achieve their personal and professional goals.

Our conduct should reflect the highest standards of ethics;
Our communication must be clear, precise and active;
Our management must be team-based and consistent;
Our relationship with clients and employees must be transparent and based on social responsibility and job security with confidence between both parties.



Brazilian company specializing in the extraction and sale of exotic stone blocks, slabs production, coverings, and decorative items with ornamental stones.
