"We're ready for MARMOMAC Brazil 2025! Discover the beauty and exclusivity of SuperClássico's exotic natural stones. Visit our booth and get inspired by materials that turn projects into true masterpieces.
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A company specializing in the extraction and sale of exotic Brazilian natural stone.
If you’re looking for materials that combine durability, sophisticated aesthetics and exclusivity, you’ve come to the right place. Our marbles, granites and quartzites are the protagonists in architectural projects around the world.
Matrix Rockface is a natural cladding that captures the raw and wild essence of nature. With its striking texture, shine, and unique patterns, this cladding brings a tactile and visual dimension that transforms any space into a work of art.
Exclusive content on new projects, launches, events, trends, information on ornamental stones and much more…
Countertop Island Matrix
How about an island-shaped countertop entirely covered with Matrix? Yes, it is possible! [easy-social-share]See this beautiful project of a mobile island where even the fronts…
Nature reserves surprise for us every day to surprise us with its beauties, although often hidden. As a natural kaleidoscope full of exotic shapes and…
Bookmatching of Gabana slab LGX05GB1 – 023 used a reference for drawing and color patterns. [easy-social-share]Did you like this Material and want to know further…
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