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Frost Quartzite – Beauty and Durability in One Product

Frost is a Brazilian quartzite of singular beauty, standing out for its predominantly white and beige coloration with subtle gray nuances. This natural stone is highly valued for its resistance and durability, inherent characteristics of quartzites, which make it ideal for a variety of applications both indoors and outdoors. Below, we will explore in detail the characteristics, uses, care, and maintenance of Frost Quartzite, as well as specific considerations for its installation.

Technical Characteristics

Composition: Frost is composed mainly of quartz, a mineral that gives the stone high resistance to abrasion and impact. The presence of quartz is also responsible for the hardness and durability of this rock, making it a reliable choice for various types of applications.

Geological Classification: Frost is classified as a quartzite, a metamorphic rock formed from quartz-rich sandstone subjected to high pressures and temperatures. This metamorphic process transforms the sandstone into a much more resistant and durable rock, suitable for use in challenging environments.

Texture and Appearance: Frost has a fine and homogeneous texture, with a slightly wavy surface that displays a subtle and elegant sheen. This unique appearance contributes to the stone’s aesthetic appeal, making it a popular choice for interior and exterior design projects.

Common Uses of Frost

Wall Cladding: Frost is ideal for both interior and exterior walls, providing a clean and sophisticated look. Its resistance to moisture and temperature variations makes it an excellent option for facade and wall cladding, as well as for wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens.

Flooring: Due to its durability, Frost is an excellent choice for high-traffic areas. It can be used in entrance halls, corridors, commercial areas, and other spaces where wear resistance is crucial. Additionally, its slightly textured surface offers a balance between safety and aesthetics.

Countertops: Frost is widely used in kitchens and bathrooms, where its resistance to stains and heat is highly valued. Frost quartzite countertops are not only functional but also add a touch of elegance to the environment, standing out for the stone’s natural beauty.

Fireplaces and Barbecues: Frost is a popular choice for fireplaces and barbecues due to its ability to withstand high temperatures. This thermal resistance ensures that the stone maintains its integrity and appearance even when exposed to intense heat, providing a durable and attractive solution for these spaces.

Care and Maintenance of Frost Quartzite

Daily Cleaning: For daily cleaning of Frost, use a soft cloth dampened with warm water. Avoid acidic or abrasive cleaning products that could damage the stone’s surface. Products specifically designed for natural stone cleaning are recommended to maintain the beauty and durability of the quartzite.

Protection: It is recommended to apply a specific sealer for quartzites to prevent stains and facilitate cleaning. The sealer forms a protective barrier on the stone’s surface, helping to prevent the absorption of liquids and the penetration of dirt.

Damage Prevention: Use trivets for hot pots and avoid cutting directly on the Frost surface to preserve its appearance. Despite its high resistance, using cutting boards and hot pot stands will help prolong the stone’s lifespan and beauty.

Extraction Location of Frost Quartzite

Frost is extracted in the south of Bahia, Brazil, a region known for its geological richness and the quality of the natural stones found there. The extraction is carried out using techniques that ensure sustainability and environmental preservation, ensuring that each block of quartzite extracted meets the highest quality standards.

Considerations for Frost Installation

Planning: Due to its hardness, the installation of Frost should be carried out by experienced professionals to ensure precise cuts and a perfect finish. Careful planning of the installation is essential to ensure that all pieces fit perfectly and that the natural beauty of the stone is highlighted.

Adhesives and Mortars: Use appropriate products for quartzites, which guarantee the adhesion and durability of the cladding. The correct choice of adhesives and mortars is crucial to avoid problems such as detachment or cracks in the stone over time.

Post-Installation Maintenance: It is recommended to apply a sealer after installation and periodically renew it to ensure the durability and beauty of the stone. Regular maintenance of the sealer will help protect the Frost surface against stains and other damage, preserving its original appearance for many years.

Specific Applications of Frost

Residential Environments: In residential settings, Frost can be used in various applications ranging from flooring and wall cladding to kitchen and bathroom countertops. Its sophisticated appearance and resistance properties make it an excellent choice for creating elegant and durable spaces.

Commercial Projects: In commercial projects, Frost is ideal for high-traffic areas such as hotel lobbies, shopping centers, and offices. The durability and wear resistance of quartzite ensure that it maintains its impeccable appearance even in busy environments.

Outdoor Spaces: Frost is also an excellent choice for outdoor applications, including building facades, walls, and pavements. Its resistance to weathering and moisture makes it ideal for outdoor projects, where it can add a touch of sophistication and durability.

Advantages of Frost Quartzite

Durability: One of the main advantages of Frost is its durability. As a quartzite, it is extremely resistant to scratches, impacts, and wear, making it an excellent choice for high-traffic and intensive use areas.

Thermal Resistance: Frost is resistant to high temperatures, making it ideal for applications such as fireplaces and barbecues. Its ability to withstand intense heat without losing its properties or appearance is a highly valued characteristic in residential and commercial projects.

Aesthetics: The natural beauty of Frost, with its white and gray hues, offers a sophisticated and elegant aesthetic. This stone can transform any environment, adding a touch of luxury and exclusivity.

Ease of Maintenance: With proper sealing and care, Frost is easy to maintain and clean, ensuring that its appearance remains impeccable over the years. Applying specific sealers and regularly cleaning with appropriate products are enough to preserve its beauty and durability.

Challenges in Using Frost Quartzite

Cost: Due to its exceptional quality and characteristics, Frost can have a higher cost compared to other natural stones. However, its cost-benefit is undeniable when considering its durability, resistance, and aesthetics.

Installation: The installation of Frost requires specialized skills due to its hardness. It is essential to hire experienced professionals to ensure that the stone is installed correctly and that its aesthetic potential is maximized.


Frost Quartzite is an exceptional choice for projects that seek to combine elegance and durability. Its technical characteristics, such as abrasion and impact resistance, thermal resistance, and durability, make it ideal for a wide range of applications. Additionally, its natural beauty and sophistication make it stand out in any environment, whether residential or commercial. With proper care and maintenance, Frost will maintain its impeccable appearance and properties for many years, offering an excellent return on investment.

Frost Quartzite: A Smart Choice for Your Project

If you are looking for a natural stone that combines beauty and functionality, Frost Quartzite is the perfect choice. Whether for wall cladding, flooring, countertops, or outdoor applications, Frost offers a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution. With its unparalleled resistance and sophisticated appearance, this exotic natural stone will be a highlight in any project, providing an elegant and durable environment for years to come.

Considering all factors, Frost Quartzite proves to be a versatile and high-quality option for those looking to combine design and functionality in their projects. Its responsible extraction and unique properties guarantee not only an exceptional building material but also an investment that enhances the environment and provides lasting beauty.

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For Designers and Archtects







Densidade / Density ABNT NBR15845:2 2,612kg/m³ > 2.550
Porosidade / Porosity ABNT NBR15845:2 0,98% <1
Absorção d´água / water absorption ABNT NBR15845:2 0,37% < 0,4
Impacto de Corpo Duro / Hard Body Impact ABNT NBR15845:8 0,76m > 0,3
Resistência à Abrasão / Abrasion Strength ABNT NBR12042 0,58m < 1,0
Resistência à Flexão / Flexural Strength ABNT NBR15845:7 10,07 MPa seco paralelo

16,15 Mpa seco perpe*

9,88 MPa satu* paralelo

14,76 Mpa satu* perpe*

> 8,0

> 8,0

> 8,0

> 8,0

Resistência à Compressão / Compressive Strength ABNT NBR15845:5

> 100

Módulo Ruptura (3pts.) / Rupture Module ABNT NBR15845:6

> 100

Módulo Ruptura Associado ao Congelamento e Degelo ABNT NBR15845:4
Resistência ao Deslizamento EM14231
*SRV – slip resistance value (potencial deslizamento) *satu (saturado) *perpe (perpendicular)

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Frost Quartzite – A Natural Exotic Stone by SuperClássico Natural Stones

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Surface Finishings


It is the “shiny” surface that results in the plate when receiving the complete finish, that is, until the last grain. Depending on its composition, the polished material may have a higher or lower brightness intensity.


It is the resultant surface in the sheet when it receives roughing treatment performed by steel brushes or synthetic materials. Different brushing models can be executed, with greater roughness, medium and few.


It is the resultant surface on the sheet when receiving abrasive grinding wheels up to grain 120. This grain defines the surface finish limit either as anti-slip or even for the application of resin and subsequent polishing.


It is the resultant surface in the plate when it receives heat treatment (burned with torch specially developed for the function) that takes out small flakes of the same, making the surface slightly irregular producing the impression that it is rustic.

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